Thursday 17 April 2008

Sixties - Santa Cruz style!

As the Los Angeles Times gives way to the San Francisco Chronicle, palm trees recede, bicycle locks proliferate and Chris 'The Cat' McCafferty goes to Utah to pick up another wife or, as he puts it, 'get some skiing in'. Thoughts of San Francisco inevitably lead you to wonder what happened to all those hippies once they'd got rid of Nixon. Well, I can report that the sixties are alive and well and living in Santa Cruz. They're all surfing now, from the looks of it..that is the ones that haven't opened smoking paraphernalia shops - Licquorice Rizlas, joy of joys!
If I remember rightly, in the good old days, we were beseeched by the forefront of the Flower Power movement, never to trust ninety year olds. Which now means, unfortunately, that we can't trust them. Oh well, Septuagenarians with Mohicans can be expected down your street anyday now.

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