Sunday 13 April 2008

A Roads Scholar

If you're an avid Jeremy Clarkson fan, you'll remember that the Top Gear team went on a mission to find the best driving road in the World, I think. They eventually settled on a road between Davos and somewhere, in Switzerland , again, I think.

If you look really closely at the accompanying photograph, you'll see a road curving with the cliff edge. This road goes on for a very long way (55 miles and counting). As it meanders along, this road goes up and down hlls, over bridges, alongside beaches, next to Sea Otter and Elephant Seal sanctuaries. It occasionally seeks shelter by ducking up creek beds and, every 20 miles or so, some kindly soul has had the good sense to open a cafe. As if that were not enough, there are some Llamas at a small place called Gorda (if you're reading this Rachel, more recruits). Perfect. If the Top Gear mob feel like another holiday which would make spectacular television, they should come here. I'd watch it.

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