Monday 31 March 2008

Finally (for today anyway)!

You'll notice something above this post called a slideshow. The pictures it's showing were taken by someone who likes sunsets and palm trees. But keep checking back and you'll get some idea of a 41 year old's reluctance to embrace new technologies.

And another thing!

And another thing. Don't forget to read from the bottom up.
It seems that you can post comments here. By all means go ahead. However, you should know that no attention will be paid to them unless they're funny or contain pictures.

Hello, Good Morning and welcome.

Hello, Good Morning and welcome to this 'blog. As ever, you have Chris 'The Cat' McCafferty to blame for this excellent idea. This 'blog means that you won't have to forever look at e-mails that I've sent you or even pop by to read this 'blog. Also, I can rest secure in the knowledge that it'll never be read and not beat myself up about posting anything.
There you go, win-win.
However, just in case any of you are foolish enough to have a look, I haven't started yet. Although I am looking forward to a week or so of 'blogs from Terminal 5. The bit about the argument between the Check-in machine and my big left toe should be particularly rewarding. Until next time, look out for me on the latest edition of 'Airports-When customers go bad!'