Saturday 5 April 2008

The Palm tree - A critique

For those who care (that's you, Mum), after a brief sojourn to the Mexican border yesterday, the ride has begun. The stretch from San Diego to San Clemente proved relatively uneventful. Highlights include road signs in Spanish, for example 'Avenida Donde esta El Fibrillatore'), gently undulating hillocks, unnecessary winds, lots of colourfully clad cyclists, alliteratively accelerating ahead and more Palm trees than you can shake a stick at.
Today's discussion point is - of all the things you look for in a tree, which, precisely, does the Palm tree provide (you may not include the provision of footwear for the Son of Man)? Is it the source of Palm Oil (whatever that is)? Where's the shade, the furniture, the treehouses, the swings, the wind indication? Also, how on Earth are you supposed to climb one?
We do have some more trees to look forward to, and if we're to believe UNESCO, more and better ones, so more tree related stuff later. Until next time, adios.

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