Friday 11 April 2008

Public life in Pizmo.

This is a picture of Precious, nonchalantly leaning up against the brand new Pismo Beach promenade. The promenade juts out about 10 metres into the beach then turns right for about 5 metres. It is, in every sense of the word, completely pointless. It goes neither this way nor that and before you've had the chance to begin strolling and fill your lungs with the bracing seaside air, you've fallen off the end and into the sand. Less tha 20 metres to it's south is a reasonable looking pier that manages to extend itself all the way to the sea. Appalingly, immediately adjacent to the new promenade (which was the subject of a mayoral dedication at the time featuring, Pismo Beach's great and good) are some public restrooms. Should you wish to sit down in these restrooms, don't bother locking the doors. There aren't any. Hands up all those who think the Mayor's in the building trade and easily confused by hinges!
Alternatively, there may be more to the name 'Pismo Beach' than immediately obvious.

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