Tuesday 22 April 2008

Here comes the rain.

Ukiah is, so far as I know, mainly famous for hosting the notorious Jim Jones cult and for the shops closing when it rains. It does boast an extremely polite California Highway Patrol Officer.
However, back to the point, as it was raining, in an attempt to get the wheel of life back into alignment , Precious visited the local religious outlet. If you look really closely through the arched window (the one on the right), you'll see a peacock. Isn't that nice. Anyway, Precious visited 'The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas' (How can they be sure that's enough?) which is just outside Ukiah. Unfortunately, we couldn't find any Buddhas. California's a big place you know. So we set off in search of Denny and his bike shop. Denny was also absent but he's due back tomorrow morning at 11 am, it's now noon. He's obviously busy running all those restaurants. Anyway, Precious is going indoors to practise her first magic trick. You can't blame her for seeking a hobby. The trick involves cycling through a tree, which is to be debuted tomorrow if we make it to Redwood country in time. Until then, feast your eyes on a Buddhaless City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

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