Wednesday 7 May 2008

Rooting, tooting!

The West Coast of the United States is really quite friendly to cyclists. The citizens show it in different ways, the truck drivers move out into the middle of the road as they pass, other cyclists wave companionably from the other side. People of all descriptions ambush you in coffee shops and demand to know where you've been? where you're going? how long will it take? etc etc. There is, however, one unwelcome mode of support received from the traffic. These are those who send their regards via their car horns. As you're struggling up a hill, they'll be coming down in their cars on the other side and to show that they're rooting for you, they'll give you a quick toot of their horn. And as you career towards the undergrowth and just before your chin hits the rooting, tooting handlebars in a one-sided contest, you'll glance up and see a family cheerily waving at you.

1 comment:

Jar said...

hows it going

been on hols for a couple of weeks so just catching up on your travels.

whats the deal with catching a train - is that not cheating?

all the photos seem to show amazing weather. have you had any rain or even worse wind. I think i hated the wind more because you have to work so hard to stay upright. although for us specky folk you often need window wipers on the glasses when the rain is heavy and coming in at a certain angle.
