Thursday 17 July 2008

Close followers will have seen plenty of pictures of Precious reclining alongside an ocean. Those to date have featured the Pacific Ocean. The one pictured here is the Atlantic Ocean. f one can have a home ocean, this is it.

Precious, having done remarkably well in getting me from one to the other with a paltry two punctures, now has the small matter of Provincetown to New York to complete. She is doing so under a bit of a cloud. I've told her that if she suffers another puncture, I shall trade her in for a left hand drive model. The little darling is petrified.

Anyway, today featured another cycle trail, The Cape Cod Rail Trail. There haven't been many and they rarely go from anywhere to anywhere. This one is particularly odd. It starts in the middle of nowhere and finishes there too. It's all rather pointless although, I'll admit, there weren't any cars to deal with. The trail does go very close to the 'Chester Ranlett Tool Museum'. The name was irresistible. Unfortunately it was closed, hey it's July and it was 1 pm. I'm told by an unreliable source (everyone down here appears to be drunk) that it features tools from down the ages right up to the present day. The Simon Cowell exhibit is a must see.

Apart from that Cape Cod has been a bit of a disappointment. For some reason it had always exerted a small pull on me and now it doesn't. OK so Provincetown is nice and quaint, but anywhere with a predominantly homosexual population is going to be nice and quaint. The rest is really quite (Cape Cod lovers should close their eyes now) bedraggled. Nothing more than some beaches and strings of motels. They even have a road called Ocean view Drive from which no view of the Ocean can be seen, masked as it is by trees. Maybe the Fall works. And, as I've said, everyone appears to be drunk.

It's OK you can open your eyes again.

Tomorrow sees the islands of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Fingers crossed they redeem the situation.

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